Thursday, October 6, 2011

Medical issues again taking up time

I've recently been going through some followup stuff related to recent sickness. So I had 2 trips to docs this week, & a couple of additional ones for pathology, & another one tomorrow for MRI. There are again some appointments related to this next week - a doctor's visit, & a 2 day stay in hospital for certain tests. (PS: So far, they've found nothing new that's worse than certain vitamin deficiencies.)

So posts will remain scarce at least till next weekend.

And wish you happy Dushahra. Be safe from firecrackers. I used to enjoy Ravan burning as a child; now-a-days, I get an uncomfortable feeling about the ritual - even if it is supposed to be only "burning evil within us".

1 comment:

  1. Wish you too a happy Dusshera and weekend and trust you come out of all this very soon ...
