Wednesday, October 24, 2012

"Astounding Science Fiction" (British Edition), July 1958 (ed John Campbell) (magazine, free) : Annotated table of contents

Cover by Freas of Astounding Science Fiction magazine, British edition, July 1958
Links on author fetch more fiction by author. Where I've read the story, my rating appears in brackets. If I have a separate post on a story, link on its title goes there. Where I'm aware of an alternate download location of a story, I include that too.

Table of contents (best first, unread last).

  1. [novelette] Christopher Anvil's "Revolt!" (A); download; humor, adventure: Bureaucratic turf war & monster machines run amok...
  2. [novel - part 1, 2, 3 (this) of 3] Poul Anderson's "The Man Who Counts" (A): What if, during the creation of Israel during the 1940s, US had sided with Arabs instead of Israel? A very colorful fantasized variant of it.
  3. [ss] Jon Stopa's "A Pair of Glasses" (as by John Stopa) (B): Materialism is better than spiritualism.
  4. [novelette] Eric Frank Russell's "Basic Right": "It's a basic right to try anything you want--a right the Universe itself grants. But it's necessary to distinguish between the right to try--which is real--& the right to succeed at it--which doesn't exist!"

Fact sheet.

Labeled: Vol XIV No 7.
Download scans as a CBR file. [via Bob@pulpscans]
Note: Link points to a RAR file that contains target CBR, probably to work around some hosting service file naming constraints.
Related: Stories from the Astounding/Analog issues edited by John Campbell, old "pulps", 1950s.

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