Friday, March 8, 2013

Donald A Wollheim (ed)'s "The Best from the Rest of the World: European Science Fiction" (anthology): Annotated table of contents & review

Cover of the 1976 science fiction short story anthology The Best from the Rest of the World, European Science Fiction edited by Donald A Wollheim
This book collects representative pieces from Western Europe - mostly from 1960s & 1970s, I think. Eastern Europe & Russia are specifically excluded.

Actually, I didn't find the editor's introduction very encouraging - he seemed to be effectively saying that Western European sf is mostly a copy of English one, except for French & pre-war German flavors. But since I have it, I'm going to give it a try.

None of the authors here are familiar to me.

My rating for read stories appears in brackets. Where I have a separate post on a story, link on story title goes there.

PS: If you are familiar with the works of some of the authors & have fond memories of some stories, please share in comments. I would be particularly interested in any works that might be available in English translation - especially online, but a book form collection will also do. And would you have chosen a different work of an author, or a different author from a country, for representation here? Thank you.

Table of contents (best first, unread last).

  1. [ss, Holland] Manuel van Loggem's "Pairpuppets" (A); Luitingh SF Verhalen, #6 (1974) (as "Paarpoppen"): Speculating on the future of love & sex...
  2. [ss, Norway] Jon Bing's "A Whiter Shade of Pale" (B); first published in this English translation by Steven T Murray: When men refused to see colors! 
  3. [ss, France] Pierre Barbet's "A Problem in Bionics" (trans Stanley Hochman) (B); Horizons du Fantastique, sometime in 1974. : Catching an intellectual property thief...
  4. [novelette, France] Gerard Klein's "Party Line": Not read.
  5. [ss, Italy] Sandro Sandrelli's "The Scythe": Not read.
  6. [ss, Germany] Herbert W Franke's "Paradise 3000": Not read.
  7. [novelette, Belgium] Eddy C Bertin's "My Eyes, They Burn!": Not read.
  8. [novella, Germany] Wolfgang Jeschke's "The King & the Dollmaker": Not read.
  9. [ss, Norway] Tor Age Bringsvaerd's "Codemus": Not read.
  10. [ss, Italy] Luigi Cozzi's "Rainy Day Revolution No 39": Not read.
  11. [ss, Sweden] Sam Lundwall's "Nobody Here But Us Shadows": Not read.
  12. [novelette, Spain] Domingo Santos's "Round & Round & Round Again": Not read.
  13. [ss, Denmark] Niels E Nielsen's "Planet for Sale": Not read.
  14. [ss, France] Charles Henneberg & Nathalie Henneberg's "Ysolde" (as by Nathalie-Charles Henneberg): Not read.

Fact sheet.

First published: 1976.
Related: Works of Donald A Wollheim.

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