I'm not sure what to think of it - it's an unusual story with an unusual structure.
There is a back story - Yuri Gagarin wasn't the first man in space; a year before him, another Russian named Viktor was the first man. But he died up there & event was hushed by a secretive Soviet authority.
This story is about telling the "true" story of Viktor now, using various media.
Download full text from publisher's site.
Rating: B.
There is a back story - Yuri Gagarin wasn't the first man in space; a year before him, another Russian named Viktor was the first man. But he died up there & event was hushed by a secretive Soviet authority.
This story is about telling the "true" story of Viktor now, using various media.
Fact sheet.
First published: Cosmos, 6 June 2013.Download full text from publisher's site.
Rating: B.
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