Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Rudy Rucker's "Apricot Lane" (short story, dystopia, humor, free)

Illustration accompanying the original publication online of short story Apricot Lane by Rudy RuckerCrazy future where not only is every person always connected to the network directly via a brain link, but so is every inanimate object. In fact, inanimate objects get a certain computer intelligence. And everything is a service: you turn a doorknob to enter a room, a small micropayment is automatically deducted; you walk on a pavement, a micropayment is deducted; you look at a picture & like it, a payment is deducted; don't have money to pay & dare to walk on the street, the system will be at your throat!

It's silly & funny at the same time. Told from the point of view of a broke programmer of this networked world.

Caution: It will likely work only if you have at least a few years of sf reading behind. I know I would have hated it when I was starting.

Fact sheet.

First published: "An Aura of Familiarity: Visions from the Coming Age of Networked Matter" (anthology, 2013).
Download full text from publisher's site. [via SF Signal]
Rating: A.
Related: Stories of Rudy Rucker.

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