The story itself is minor; I'm making a separate post for it only because I'm a programmer.
program is correct by listening to it rather than painfully debugging the text in conventional code.
Download full text from publisher's site.
Rating: B.
Related: Stories of Tony Ballantyne.
Story summary.
Ms Ada Byron is explaining to Mr Leibniz, a journalist, the origins of her invention - the "Rondo code", a technique to write computer programs whose correctness can be verified intuitively. She noticed the kids in her programming class had problems understanding looping & branching, so she wondered why programs could not be written as music. So she figured out a way to transform Western classical musical pieces to a precise form the machine can understand. So presumably her pupils can now intuitively recognize if aprogram is correct by listening to it rather than painfully debugging the text in conventional code.
- I had a feeling inspiration for this story might have come from Doughlas Hofstadter's famous non-fiction book, "Godel, Eicher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid".
Fact sheet.
First published: Nature, 6 June 2013.Download full text from publisher's site.
Rating: B.
Related: Stories of Tony Ballantyne.
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