Four stories, all flash fiction length, all online.
Link on author fetches more fiction by author. List below is in order of my preference, best first. I found first 3 readable, but not the last one.
Link on author fetches more fiction by author. List below is in order of my preference, best first. I found first 3 readable, but not the last one.
- 5 September: J R Johnson's "The scent of things to come" (B); download: A
forgotten & dying human colony somewhere on a far away world.
Apparently with some biological modifications forced by local
environment - something that makes them far more sensitive to smells.
An exploration ship from earth lands. A female member of its lab will eventually get an idea to hopefully restore the native colony back to health... - 12 September: William Meikle's "Lacunae" (B); download: A physics
researcher thinks he has found a physical reason for mysterious
disappearances of people across the ages: there is a certain region of
space bordering earth's orbit around the sun; when earth moves close to
it, holes in time & space appear, swallowing people.
So he's estimated the next likely occurrence of such a hole & it at site with sensitive instruments to verify the phenomenon. The hole will appear, but not the kind he had anticipated, to his horror... - 26 September: Alex Shvartsman's "The rumination of what isn't" (B); download: A man with a dying daughter gets an option to make her survive, though not in human form...
- 19 September: Priya Chand's "Reach for the stars" (C); download: I found it completely pointless.
A future where machine assisted direct knowledge dump into brain & "augmented" (they more sound like almost replaced!) body parts are common. Competing students use identical stuff so much they forget themselves.
Related: Stories from Nature magazine.
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