Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mike Resnick's "Spring Training" (short story, non-genre, humor, free): Lucifer Jones conquers Uruguay for Hitler's Germany!

In the year 1937, Lucifer gets himself recruited by a 3 man advanced guard of Hitler in Buenos Aires; 3 Germans are here to conquer South America with a rag tag "army" of 6 locals!

Of course, with his great ingenuity, Lucifer wins Uruguay on behalf of Germany, only there is a local group of Uruguans also out to win their country. So Lucifer will get himself recruited by them to help them win their country back from Germans...

Collected in.

  1. Mike Resnick's "Hazards" (collection). Due sometime 2009, Subterranean Press.

Fact sheet.

First published: Subterranean Online, Fall 2008.
Rating: A.
Download full text from publisher's site.
Related: Lucifer Jones series.