Monday, February 8, 2010

Claire Keegan's "Foster" (novelette, non-genre, free)

Illustration by Simon Pemberton accompanying the short story Foster by Claire Keegan in The New YorkerA story about a completely different culture, & yet I find so much familiar here! Last para escaped me, but rest was a very good read.

It's mostly a character portrait. A little girl from an impoverished family is left in the care of related & wealthier family for some months while her mother is pregnant. Through her eyes, we see many typical people.

Fact sheet.

First published: The New Yorker, 15 February 2010.
Download full text from publisher's site.
Rating: A.
Added to my "best of 2010" list.


Anonymous said...

I was so over come by this story. I had my husband read it for his thoughts to not avail. He did not get it either. The end.

Did it mean that she took the fosters?

It was a lovely story by any account.
