Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fritz Leiber, Jr's "The Mutant's Brother" (short story, telepathy, free)

An illustration accompanying its original publication in Astounding Science Fiction, August 1943, of the short story The Mutants Brother by Fritz LeiberTwo brothers - Greer & John - with a telepathic mutation that matured after puberty - ability to control the minds of up to 4 or 5 people within a distance of about 100 feet.

They were orphaned early, were adopted by different families. Greer grew up a good man, in a loving family. John grew up a criminal in a abusive family.

Now law is closing in on John. Won't life be easier if he could make them kill Greer instead, & think they'd taken care of the criminal?

Fact sheet.

First published: Astounding, August 1943.
Download full text as part of the scans of Astounding issue where it originally appeared.
Rating: B.
Among the stories from John Campbell's Astounding/Analog.
Related: Stories of Fritz Leiber; fiction from 1940s.