Thursday, January 5, 2012

"AntipodeanSF", January 2012 (magazine, free): Annotated table of contents & review

7 science fiction stories of flash fiction length. I liked one ("Bugsy!"), & found two at least readable ("The Lightning Gun", "When The Alphabet Vomits On A Birth Certificate").
  1. Julie Wornan's "Bugsy!" (A); download: Little baby knows far more than her parents suspect...
  2. Antoinette Rydyr's "The Lightning Gun" (B); download: A gun that hits the target 10 years after firing...
  3. Jamie Richter's "When The Alphabet Vomits On A Birth Certificate" (B); download; humor: Crazy government requirements of would-be parents...
  4. Christine Gladstone's "What If" (B); download: Lifecycle of life...
  5. Des McNicholas' "The Candidate" (C); download: NASA is hell bent of keeping the fact secret that there is an impenetrable & invisible barrier around earth...
    See also: David Brin's "Crystal Spheres": Star travel is impossible because there is an invisible barrier around each star system that can only be breached from inside, not from outside...
  6. Mark Webb's "Shipwrecked" (C); download: Elder aliens visiting earth some centuries ago cannot decide whether to destroy humanity seeing its cruelty, or help it mix with galactic culture in future...
  7. David Scholes' "Trathh" (C); download: Adventures of some crash-landed aliens on earth. I didn't get the punchline, though.