Friday, March 25, 2011

Lester del Rey's "No Strings Attached" (short story, free): Summoning demons considered hazardous!

Illustration by Kelly Freas accompanying the original publication in If magazine of short story No Strings Attached by Lester del Rey
Henry Aimsworth, married many years to Emma, is now in love with Shirley Bates & bored with his wife. In fact, he's contemplating killing his wife!

That's when he finds an ancient book of wizardry, & ends up summoning a "demon" - an alien from a parallel universe. Demon will grant his wish, or rather far more than he wished...

Fact sheet.

First published: If, June 1954.
Download full text from Project Gutenberg, Manybooks, Feedbooks. [via QuasarDragon]
Download audio from LibriVox.
Rating: A.
Related: Stories of Lester Del Rey.


  1. Hmmm, another author I've yet to discover!

  2. From what little I've read of him, I won't put him among genre's great authors. But I haven't seen anything really bad by him either.
