Thursday, October 9, 2008

Astounding Stories of Super-Science, January 1930 (magazine, ed Harry Bates): Annotated table of contents, & download links

Cover image of magazine called Astounding Stories of Super-Science, January 1930 issue. Image was painted in water colors by H W Wessolowski from a scene in the included story titled The Beetle Horde by Victor Rousseau. Click image for full sized original scan image.This is the first issue ever of Analog/Astounding. That alone should mark it as something of historic importance.

See Astounding 1930-1933 scans index page for basic information.

Scans of all 1930 issues are on this page, one file per page of magazine, January issue pages named like "asf193001PPP.png": YYYY - year, MM - month, PPP - page number. Page number a story begins at is listed in ToC below. ToC below is produced from this scan page. Click cover image on the right for full-sized original scan image.

Each scan page of this January 1930 issue is about half MB.

Table of contents.

  1. [novel] [serial - 1 of 2] [p 8] Victor Rousseau's "The Beetle Horde": "Only two young explorers stand in the way of the Mad Bram's horrible revenge - the releasing of his trillions of man-sized beetles upon the utterly defenseless world."
  2. [p 32] Captain S P Meek's "The Cave of Horror": "Screaming, the guardsman was jerked through the air. An unearthly screech rang through the cavern. The unseen horror of mammoth cave had struck."
  3. [novel] [p 46] Ray Cummings' "Phantoms of Reality": "Red Sensua's knife came up dripping, & the two adventurers knew that chaos & bloody revolution had been unleashed in that shadowy kingdom of the fourth dimension."
  4. [p 75] M L Staley's "The Stolen Mind": "What would you do, if, like Quest, you were tricked, & your very mind & will stolen from your body."
  5. [p 92] C V Tench's "Compensation": "Professor Wroxton had disappeared - but in the bottom of the mysterious crystal cage lay the diamond from his ring!"
  6. [p 100] Murray Leinster's "Tanks": Two miles of American front had gone dead. And on two lone infantrymen, lost in the menace of the fog-gas & the tanks, depended the outcome of the war of 1932."

    While this description sounds a bit like Leinster's "Morale", it is a different story, because "Morale" appears later - in December 1931 issue.
  7. [p 118] Anthony Pelcher's "Invisible Death": "On Lees' quick & clever action depended the life of "Old Perk" Ferguson, the millionaire manufacturer threatened by the uncanny, invisible killer."


  1. Annotated list of stories from John Campbell's Astounding.
  2. All Analog/Astounding posts.
  3. Feed that catches only posts about Analog/Astounding. Caution: Weeks or months might sometimes lapse between these posts.