Sunday, March 9, 2008

[2/3] AntipodeanSF magazine, # 117 (February/March 2008): Annotated table of contents & review

This post is not new content, but part of an earlier post. Original post is split because of Blogger constraints on label length. Begin at part 1 of this post for whole article on AntiSF #117.

Story list (best first).

I was forced to split this post into 3 parts due to Blogger label length constraints. This is part 2 (stories #9 to #13, all B-rated); go to part 1 (stories ranked #1 to #8, all A-rated) or part 3 (stories #14 to #20, all C-rated).
  1. Jaimie Ringering's "Winter Hair" (B); download; self-ref; fantasy: A girl grieves for her sister who died in a car accident. I might have rated it A if it were not such a sad story; sad stories aren't my kind. Very well told.
  2. Jenny Mounfield's "Immortality" (B); download; self-ref; fantasy: A man realizes the horrible nature of immortality granted by drinking a magic syrup - after drinking it!
  3. Chris Pavey's "The Poisoning" (B); download; self-ref; non-genre: In a medieval society, a woman in love with the king & rejected by him poisons him. Only, through means I could not grasp, it's she who actually got poisoned by the king.
  4. Brenton Tomlinson's "Wake-Up Call" (B); download; self-ref; science fiction, humor: A futuristic alarm clock that is designed to "gently shake" the user gets him "gently roll him out of bed" due to a defect, with disastrous consequences for someone who "slept close to his window".
  5. Shaun A Saunders' "A Bumper Year" (B); download; self-ref; non-genre: In a crazy totalitarian regime, a clueless Secretary of Commerce sitting in his ivory tower has made factories produce so much more than can be sold that all physical space is filled with manufactured goods! And the politician is still not happy, because this year's growth cannot exceed last years.
Continued to part 3 for remaining stories...