Sunday, May 11, 2008

Andrew Leadbeatter's "All For An Orchidaceae" (flash fiction, science fiction, free): Extending MPAA "piracy" propaganda to seed companies

A world where companies selling genetically modified (GM) seeds are facing the "problem" of patent piracy - underground companies making the same seeds & selling at lower prices. And they've successfully lobbied with governments for very harsh penalties for those found in possession of these "pirated" seeds! Basis of scare-mongering is that pirated seeds are harmful to environment but identical originals are not!!!

Story is about an old retired man who wanted to win a local orchid competition - so brought cheap pirated orchid seeds. Now he faces extended incarceration.

I actually considered adding it to my best of the year 2007 list, though it didn't win in the end (I use somewhat arbitrary emotional criteria in the final pass). While there are many "piracy" propaganda stories around, this is the first one I've read that applies it to seeds. And very plausible.

Fact sheet.

First published: AntipodeanSF, #110 (July/August 2007).
Rating: A
Download full text.