Monday, October 13, 2008

Astounding Stories of Super-Science, February 1930 (magazine, ed Harry Bates): Annotated table of contents, & download links

Cover image of magazine called Astounding Stories of Super-Science, February 1930 issue. Image was painted in water colors by H W Wessolowski from a scene in the included story titled Spawn of the Stars by Charles Willard Diffin. Click image for full sized original scan image.Update 28 April 2009: This issue is now available as normal computer text at Project Gutenberg.

See Astounding 1930-1933 scans index page for basic information.

Scans of all 1930 issues are on this page, one file per page of magazine, February issue pages named like "asf193002PPP.png": PPP - page number. Page number a story begins at is listed in ToC below. ToC below is produced from this scan page. Click cover image on the right for full-sized original scan image.

Page numbers seem to accumulate for a quarter, at which point they are reset. Don't be surprised to find the first story beginning at page one hundred & something.

Each scan page of this February 1930 issue is about half MB.

Table of contents.

  1. [p 153] Harl Vincent's "Old Crompton's Secret": "Tom's extraordinary machine glowed - & the years were banished from old Crompton's body. But there still remained, deep-seated in his century-old mind, the memory of his crime."
  2. [p 166] [novelet - does it mean "novelette"?] Charles Willard Diffin's "Spawn of the Stars": "The earth lay powerless beneath those loathsome, yellowish monsters that, sheathed in comet-like globes, sprang from the skies to annihilate man & reduce his cities to ashes."
  3. [p 187] Hugh B Cave's "The Corpse on the Grating": "In the gloomy depths of the old warehouse Dale saw a thing that drew a scream of horror to his dry lips. It was a corpse - a mold of decay on its long-dead features- and yet it was alive!"
  4. [p 196] Sophie Wenzel Ellis' "Creatures of the Light": "He had striven to perfect the faultless man of the future, & had succeeded - too well. For in the pitilessly cold eyes of the Adam, his super-human creation, Dr Mundson saw only contempt - & annihilation - for the human race."
  5. [p 221] Sterner St Paul's "Into Space": "What was extraordinary connection between Dr Livermore's sudden disappearance, & the coming of a new satellite to the earth?"
  6. [novel] [serial - 2 of 2; #1 in January issue] [p 229] Victor Rousseau's "The Beetle Horde": See January 1930 ToC for description.
  7. [p 248] Anthony Pelcher's "Mad Music": "The sixty stories of the perfectly constructed colossus building had mysteriously crashed! What was the connection between this catastrophe & the weird strains of the Mad Musician's violin?"
  8. [p 259] Captain S P Meek's "The Thief of Time": "The teller turned to stacked pile of bills. They were gone! And no one had been near!"


  1. Annotated list of stories from John Campbell's Astounding.
  2. All Analog/Astounding posts.
  3. Feed that catches only posts about Analog/Astounding. Caution: Weeks or months might sometimes lapse between these posts.