Curious Google Trends data about the genre
In most cases, actual search data gathered by Google tells us that, year-on-year, the absolute number of people looking for things science fictional is dropping, though more content is being generated! What am I missing?
- Everything except searches for relatively young authors currently in news & with a significant web presence - Charles Stross, Cory Doctorow, John Scalzi, & Neil Gaiman. And even these are steady rather than growing, except Gaiman who is both growing & outstrips even Doctorow by a factor of 15. And Doctorow's most popular searches have nothing to do with sf; they're mostly about his activism. Authors like Ted Chiang & Mike Resnick have too few searches for Google to bother; Greg Egan is searched for a bit more, but is insignificant compared to Big 4.
- None of the publishers register on Google's radar - not even Asimov's & F&SF.
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