The Limits of Memory
4 hours ago
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Found a broken link? May be the story can still be found.
Trying to figure out science fiction
11:30 pm in this clock (that's 6 pm GMT).
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See here.
why 'not to be taken seriously'?
That list represents awards given out since 1953, for all of the author categories (short, novel, etc)
It's just that I find important authors way down this list. Look who's above Heinlein & Asimov & Clarke & Jack Vance & John Varley. Or was it that the first 3 of these did their best work during the decade preceding 53?
Also, which of the top 5 on this list you would really put on genre's all time greats - even since 53? I'll go with Anderson & Leiber, may be, but Willis & Ellison?
Oh - I do understand it's a popularity contest. And I do sometimes look at Hugo lists - only this chart puts across the limits of popularity contest rather starkly.
I think that the graph visually presents things in a manner that doesn't really reflect what is going on.
Ellison was the top winner prior to Willis coming on the scene - and Ellison won mostly for shorts and television episodes.
Let me do my own for the blog (have it finished in a few minutes) and take a look at it and tell me if your view of things doesn't change...
Will look at your post; thanks.
the new graph is up -
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