Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christopher Green's "A Hundredth Name" (short story, love story, free): A man is grieving for his dead wife

Illustration accompanying the online copy at Abyss and Apex magazine of the short story A Hundredth Name by Christopher GreenA man is grieving for his wife who committed suicide for reasons I couldn't figure out - probably society's pressure to bear children & her refusal to do so for some arcane religious reasons.

All this in the backdrop of supposedly colorful background that didn't really cut for me: set in a "station" on some world other than earth, a group of deeply religious muslims are doing some kind of (religious?) experiment.

Fact sheet.

First published: Abyss & Apex, #31 (Q3 2009).
Download full text from publisher's site.
Rating: C.
Nominated for Aurealis Award 2009 in short science fiction category.