Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why do robots in Asimov's fiction have "positronic" brains?

"Because the positron had just been added to the list of particles and no one knew what it could and couldn’t do."
- Asimov, quoted by Frederik Pohl.


LarryS said...

Hmm I remember Asimov commneting how its the opposite of the electron.
the electron has a negative charge and the positron a positive charge.

Tinkoo said...

While Pohl's commentary on his blog is generally very interesting, it's not uncommon to see him getting the details wrong - he's narrating events so far back in the past. But so far, that the only actual quote I've seen on positronic brains.

Oh - and sorry. I'd actually written a short note linking your "I Don't Have a Wooden Heart", but seem to have forgotten posting it today. Should have it tomorrow, hopefully.

LarryS said...

You know that Star Trek TNG's 'Data' is based on Asimov's ideas!

Tinkoo said...

Ok. I haven't read any Star Trek novel.