Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New at Project Gutenberg (24 August 2010)

Links on author, publisher, or year fetch more matching fiction.

  1. Sidney Austen's "The Frightened Planet"; download; Amazing Stories, October 1948: "Karn was only a savage, but he knew a thing or two about the way justice should be meted out--and he did it".
  2. [novel] Jules Verne's "Abandoned"; download: Translated by W H G Kingston from original French version titled "L'Abandonné". This novel is "the second in the Mysterious Island triad". "L'Abandonné, like its two companion tales, ran its course as a serial through the Magasin Illustré of education and recreation, before its issue as a boy's story-book."
Related: Fiction from old "pulps".