Monday, October 11, 2010

Clyde Brown's "First Man" (short story, humor, free): Record of the first manned trip to moon

One of the illustrations accompanying the original publication in Galaxy magazine of short story First Man by Clyde Brown. Image shows a protagonist on the surface of moon - first man to land there.
Harold Ferguson, a tinkerer who has built a spaceship to take him to moon, accidentally ended up with his neighbor Orville Close too in the ship during takeoff! A ship fashioned from junk that took off from Harold's backyard!

The two had a successful trip to moon without anyone in the world knowing about it! Even after their return, no one believes they've been to moon - since they landed in Siberia, & had to leave the ship there when finding passage home.

Fact sheet.

First published: Galaxy, April 1958.
Download full text from Project Gutenberg, Manybooks, Feedbooks.
Rating: B.


LarryS said...

Oh great stuff, gotta read this!