Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reginald Bretnor's "Sugar Plum" (short story, satire, free): A planet that "uninhibits" you!

One of the illustrations by Ashman accompanying the original publication in Galaxy magazine of short story Sugar Plum by Reginald Bretnor
Charles Edward Button has brought a new piece of real estate in a tax auction - a whole earth-like world called "Sugar Plum". As the family begins setting up at their new rather spacious home, they discover this world does amazing things to people...

Note: The story appears to be a satire on Victorian mores. My familiarity with the subject is limited, so I read it literally; offers enough chuckles even for the unfamiliar.

Fact sheet.

First published: Galaxy, November 1952.
Download full text from Project Gutenberg, Manybooks, Feedbooks. [via QuaserDragon]
Rating: B. 
Related: Stories of Reginald Bretnor.