Friday, February 1, 2013

Tom Godwin's "Cry from a Far Planet" (short story, first contact, free)

Illustration by Martinez accompanying the original publication in Amazing Science Fiction Stories, September 1958 issue of short story Cry from a Far Planet by Tom Godwin
This reminded me of an episode in author's "The Space Barbarians", the second novel in his Ragnarok series. Aliens called Kilver in the novel are called Varn here; otherwise, the story could have been a chapter in the novel.

Story summary.

Human exploration expeditions to stars have been miserably failing, frequently getting the exploring humans killed. Killed because of misunderstandings brought about by difficulty in communications with aliens they encounter on different worlds.

One such explorer here, facing just such a fate, will be saved by ... well, it's deus ex machina. No real enlightenment, but a happy ending & a readable story.

Fact sheet.

First published: Amazing Science Fiction Stories, September 1958.
Download full text from Project Gutenberg, Manybooks, Feedbooks. [via Becky@ClassicScienceFiction]
Rating: B.
Related: Stories of Tom Godwin.