Saturday, September 28, 2013

Henry Kuttner's "The Elixir of Invisibility" (short story, free)

An illustration accompanying the original publication in Fantastic Adventures magazine of short story The Elixir of Invisibility by Henry Kuttner. Image shows public reactions when a man is walking with an invisible dog on the leash.This is a mad adventure using invisibility & visibility potions. Drink from the red labeled vial, & you become invisible; drink from green, to become visible again.

A whole lot of crazy things happen. Reporters disbelieving the inventor receive parcels containing invisible frogs! A thief steals a couple of vials, uses it for a bank robbery. An invisible dog, & sundry other invisible people at public places cause chaos, etc.

Fact sheet.

First published: Fantastic Adventures, October 1940.
Read online at UNZ: part 1, part 2, & part 3.
Rating: B.
Related: Stories of Henry Kuttner.