Monday, June 14, 2010

New at Project Gutenberg (14 June 2010)

Links on author, publisher, or year fetch more matching fiction.

  1. Alexander Blade's "The Plotters"; download; Amazing Stories, December 1948: "He came from a far planet to find some of the Earth's secrets. But Marko found other things, too--like his love for beautiful Beth".
  2. Roger Phillips Graham's "Tillie"; download; Amazing Stories, December 1948: 'She was just a blob of metal, but she had emotions like any woman. She, too, wanted ROMANCE, and wasn't coy about running after her "guy"'.
  3. F L Wallace's "The Impossible Voyage Home"; download; Galaxy, August 1954: "The right question kept getting the wrong answer--but old Ethan and Amantha got the right answer by asking the wrong question!"
Related: Fiction from old "pulp" magazines.