Asimov Science Fiction, June 2007: 8 stories, 3 good
Table of contents below lists only fiction, & ranked by quality (best first) rather than the order in which stories appear in the magazine.
Harry Turtledove's "News from the Front" (A): Not sf. Conflict between Roosevelt administration & media during the first 6 months of US/Japan engagement during World War II. Added to my best of the year 2007 list.
Elizabeth Bear's "Tideline" (A): An emotional robot teaches life skills to an urchin. Added to my best of the year 2007 list.
Holly Phillips' "Three Days of Rain" (A): Epic-style tale of a city that once knew abundant water but is now parched. City Council is holding an emergency meeting whether to stay here, or move to another place that also sounds like hell - only a wet one.
Carrie Vaughn's "Marrying In" (B): Not sf. Pains of a country newly partitioned.
R Neube's "Studies in the Field" (B): Contact of colonial powers with aborigines, but aborigines are protected by an alien. Presented in the reverse - a human is the alien protector on an alien world witnessing this clash.
Neal Asher's "Alien Archaeology" (B): A robber is chased to recover the loot, & to punish.
Jack Skillingstead's "Scrawl Daddy" (C): Extremely contrived urban-ghetto tale of an evil human scientist's attempt to acquire alien space faring technology.
James Patrick Kelly's "Don't Stop" (C): A woman has always been chased by a ghost, & is desperate to get rid of it.
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