Sunday, April 11, 2010

Free fiction: Galaxy, March 1952 & April 1952, & Amazing Stories, November 1957

All at Internet Archive in multiple formats.

  1. "Galaxy Science Fiction", March 1952; download.

    "The pages for the stories 'The Year of The Jackpot' by Robert A. Heinlein, 'Catch That Martian' by Damon Knight and 'The Demolished Man' by Alfred Bester, have been deleted from the files since the Copyright was renewed".

    That leaves 3 complete stories. "The Demolished Man" was a serial of which last part appeared in this issue.
  2. "Galaxy Science Fiction", April 1952; download.

    "The pages for the story 'Ticket to Anywhere' by Damon Knight have been deleted from the files since the Copyright was renewed".

    Among the authors: Fritz Leiber.
  3. "Amazing Stories", November 1957; download.
Related: Fiction from Galaxy, Amazing, 1950s; Old pulps.