Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mike Resnick's "The Bride of Frankenstein" (short story, fanfic, free): Retelling Mary Shelly's "Frankenstein" from an alternate perspective

What if Victor Frankenstein created his "creature"

  1. only a few decades back (at a time when "Gone With the Wind ... is making so much money in the bookstores" - would that be early- or, may be, mid-twentieth century?),
  2. after returning from his college,
  3. after getting married,
& if Victor himself wasn't totally irresponsible, as in the original?

A funny retelling from the perspective of Victor's wife. And the creature here is about to actually get a mate.

Fact sheet.

First published: Asimov's, December 2009.
Download full text from publisher's site.
Rating: B.
Nominated for Hugo Award 2010 in short story category.
Related: Stories of Mike Resnick, Mary Shelley.