Friday, July 16, 2010

"Galaxy Science Fiction", Vol 9 No 4 (January 1955) (ed H L Gold) (magazine, free): Annotated table of contents

Cover image by EMSH of Galaxy Science Fiction magazine, January 1955 issue.Scans of this magazine in CBR format are online as part of a larger package.

"The Tunnel Under the World" is one of the most famous stories of the genre. Creepy, but with a very cool ending.

Text of a few of the stories is online elsewhere too; I link where appropriate.

Table of contents (6 stories, best first).

Links on author fetch more fiction by author. My rating is in brackets.
  1. [novelet] Frederik Pohl's "The Tunnel Under the World" (A); download; advertising dystopia: "Pinching yourself is no way of seeing if you're dreaming. Surgical instruments? Well, yes - but a mechanic's kit is best of all!"
  2. [novelet] Richard Stockham's "Perfect Control": "Why can't you go home again after years in space? There had to be an answer ... could he find it in time, though?"
  3. [novelet] Theodore Sturgeon's "When You're Smiling".
  4. [novelet] Robert Sheckley's "Squirrel Cage": "If your planet needs the services of a good exterminator, then call in AAA Ace - but not if it is overrun with anything like slegs!"
  5. [ss] Evelyn E Smith's "The Vilbar Party"; download: '"Nuts to you" was what Narli knew Earthmen would tell him ... only it was frismil nuts!"
  6. [ss] Jerry Sohl's "Brknk's Bounty"; download: "From a feature writer to a feature attraction - now there's a real boozes-to-riches success story!"


  1. Fiction from Galaxy.
  2. "Pulp" magazines.
  3. Works of H L Gold.
  4. Fiction from 1950s.