Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tony Daniel recommends some short fiction

In this chart (JPG image) as part of SF Signal's weekly panel called "MIND MELD".
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I won't always call the stories on his list good, but they're famous ones. Includes several I haven't read but might now look up.

Of the very famous ones on the list that I personally didn't find good:

  1. Damon Knight's "The Country of the Kind"; download MP3.
  2. Fredric Brown's "Arena"; download text or comic book adaptation.
  3. Arthur Clarke's "The Nine Billion Names of God"; download text/MP3: But it's worth seeking out for those interested in ancient history of computers.
Also, many people will likely find Joseph E Kelleam's "Rust" a far better read than Ray Bradbury's much better known "There Will Come Soft Rains" (download text/MP3). Both are essentially on the same subject. Arthur Clarke too has two famous stories on the same subject (neither suitable for those seeking entertainment or for genre newbies) - "The Curse" (download text), & "If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth ...".

One story particularly worth looking out for on his list is Jack Vance's "The Moon Moth". Light fun read in a colorful setting.

Related: "best of" lists.