Fritz Leiber, Jr's "The Mutant's Brother" (short story, telepathy, free)
Two brothers - Greer & John - with a telepathic mutation that matured after puberty - ability to control the minds of up to 4 or 5 people within a distance of about 100 feet.
They were orphaned early, were adopted by different families. Greer grew up a good man, in a loving family. John grew up a criminal in a abusive family.
Now law is closing in on John. Won't life be easier if he could make them kill Greer instead, & think they'd taken care of the criminal?
Fact sheet.
First published: Astounding, August 1943.Download full text as part of the scans of Astounding issue where it originally appeared.
Rating: B.
Among the stories from John Campbell's Astounding/Analog.
Related: Stories of Fritz Leiber; fiction from 1940s.
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