Sunday, June 20, 2010

New at Project Gutenberg (20 June 2010)

Links on author, publisher, or year fetch more matching fiction.

  1. Paul Ernst's "Mask of Death"; download; Weird Tales, August-September 1936: "a strange criminal who called himself Doctor Satan, and the terrible doom with which he struck down his enemies".
  2. John York Cabot's "Rats in the Belfry"; download; Amazing Stories, January 1943: "This house was built to specifications that were strange indeed; and the rats that inhabited it were stranger still!"
  3. Stanton A Coblentz's "The Cosmic Deflector; download; Amazing Stories, January 1943: "It's one thing to force the Earth out of its orbit, and another to force it back in again!"
  4. Lee Francis' "Phantom of the Forest"; download; Amazing Stories, November 1948: "Every year men slaughter deer by the thousands; it seems only fitting that the tables be turned once in a while..."
  5. Noel Miller Loomis' "You Too Can Be A Millionaire"; download; If, November 1952: 'Money was worthless, yet no man dared go broke. It was all pretty confusing to Mark until "Point-Plus-Pearlie" told him--YOU TOO CAN BE A MILLIONAIRE'.
  6. Bryce Walton's "The Victor"; download; If, March 1953: "Under the new system of the Managerials, the fight was not for life but for death! And great was the ingenuity of--The Victor."
  7. Bryce Walton's "Thy Name Is Woman"; download; If, March 1953: "Women of earth had finally attained their objective: a new world all their own and--without men! But was it?"
  8. William Campbell Gault's "The Huddlers"; download; If, May 1953: "He was a reporter from Venus with an assignment on Earth. He got his story but, against orders, he fell in love--and therein lies this story."
  9. Thomas L Sherred's "Cue for Quiet"; download; Space Science Fiction, May & July 1953: "a man with a headache--who found a cure for it! And the cure gave him more power than any man could dream of."
  10. A H Phelps' "The Merchants of Venus"; download; Galaxy, March 1954: "A pioneer movement is like a building--the foundation is never built for beauty!"
  11. Stephen Marlowe's "Home is Where You Left It"; download; Amazing Stories, February 1957: "How black is the blackest treachery? Is the most callous traitor entitled to mercy? Steve pondered these questions. His decision? That at times the villain should possibly be spoken of as a hero."
Related: Fiction from old "pulp" magazines.