Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fritz Leiber's "What's He Doing in There?" (short story, humor, free)

Illustration accompanying the short story titled Whats He Doing in There by Fritz Leiber. It shows anxious human family trying to find of if their Martian visitor is safe inside the bathroom.First contact the first Martian visitor to earth made was with a professor of cultural anthropology at his home. He soon asked to visit bathroom. But it's been hours since he's been there, & the question everyone in the family is asking is: "What's he doing in there?"

Answer, when they finally discover it, is of course funny.

Fact sheet.

First published: Galaxy Science Fiction, December 1957.
Rating: B.
Download full text from Project Gutenberg, Manybooks, or Feedbooks. [via QuasarDragon]
Related: Stories of Fritz Leiber.